
7 Strategies for Raising Calm, Inspired, & Successful Children – Unsigned Copy

Education should touch the whole child. Scientific research has shown that when a child is in a quiet alert state, learning occurs most readily. Our children live in a quick-paced society where taking a moment to be with oneself, rather than a tablet or a smartphone, is not the norm. 7 Strategies for Raising Calm, Inspired, & Successful Children combines the knowledge of neuroscience with a smorgasbord of fun, easy, relaxing, tension-reducing, and awareness-building activities that can be done on a daily basis.

Goals will be easier to achieve and success realized faster when a child can breathe away tension, laugh away hurt, dance away upset, touch away disconnect, affirm to believe, and be mindful to observe, attend to patterns of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and act with awareness.

What’s more, parents, caregivers, and educators will benefit by using these strategies for their own well-being too!