I’m going to be 100% honest: in my experience as a featured speaker I get just a little bit nervous before going out on the stage or standing up in front of any audience. I find that by doing Jumping Jacks I get my blood flowing, and by taking a few deep breaths my jitters are calmed.
Personally, I think that a speaker should have a laser-like focus on their audience’s needs. So, whenever I’m invited to give a speech my focus is always on imparting every bit of knowledge I have to my audience in an energetic, dynamic, and engaging way. I enjoy inspiring my audiences and providing skills and strategies the audience members can take away and easily use when they go back to their workplaces or back to their families.
I like to make my audiences think and laugh, encouraging them to make positive changes, not only for themselves, but for the children they serve. I take pride in furthering the audience’s abilities to develop skills, so they become masters in their fields.
As an integrative speech-language pathologist and child development professional, my speaking engagements have taken me around the world, from my home on the West Coast of the United States all the way to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I’ve been a speaker at the Autism Society of America in New York City and a featured speaker for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Some of my most common speaking topics are:
- 7 Strategies for Raising Calm, Inspired, & Successful Children
- Laughter is Good Medicine
- Inspiring Children to Succeed
- Developing Success Strategies as a Parent of a Child with Special Needs
- Do You Touch Your “Mouse” More Than You Touch Your Spouse?
- Balancing Electronics in your Child’s Daily Life – It’s For Their Own Good, and Yours Too!
- Speech and Language Development from Birth to Adolescence
- Forming a Foundation of Caregiver-Child Relationship through Touch
- Developing Secure Attachment Through TouchTime®
- The Power of Touch – Touch is Not a Frill… It is a Necessity
- Confidence & Joy: Success Strategies for Kids with Learning Differences
- 6 E’s for Inspiring the Innate Passion in Children
- Touch Taboos in the Workplace
- GetREALNow™ (Get Ready Everyone and Learn Now): 7 Strategies for Ensuring Success
- 7 Easy Steps for Building Strong, Independent, and Joyful Children
- Creating Secure Attachments, 1-2-3
- The Joy of Infant Massage for Children and Parents Everywhere
- Toddler TouchTime® – It’s Never Too Late to Relate!
- Preemie Care and You – What To Do?
- How to be Creative with Literacy for Children
- Early Signs of Communication Delays – What Are the Red Flags?
- Early TouchTime® Communication (ETC) – What’s a Parent to Do
- BABE – Body and Brain Emotion – Help to Develop Your Child’s Brain
- ACT Now with Active Communication Therapy™
- 4 Easy Ways to Have Your Child Sleep Through the Night
- 7 Easy Steps for Nurturing your Child and Yourself
- The ABC’s of AWE with TouchTime® (Attune, Breathe, and Communicate with Acknowledgement, Wonderment, and Enjoyment)
- The 4 Pillars of CARE in Raising Healthy and Happy Children
- Safe Harbor – 7 Easy Ways for Integrating Children with Special Needs into Daycare Every Day
- Strengthen the Brain and Strengthen Relationships – It’s as Easy as 1-2-3
- Who, Me SSSStutter? – What Can You Do For Children Who Stutter?
- Speech Sound Disorders – Does Your Child Have A Speech Sound Disorder and What Can You Do?
- Building a Tool Kit for Effective Therapy
- Dads – Learning Strategies for Connecting with their Child Through TouchTime®
I can tailor any of these presentations to fit your needs, and I’m always working to develop new topics! Let’s get in touch to talk about putting together a dynamic presentation that will meet your needs!
“Dr. Elaine, you have been amazing to the parents who came to have you provide screenings and assessments for children on the spectrum who have not been served. You gave the parents so much assistance and ideas that they can use immediately. Thank you for traveling across the miles to share your expertise. Looking forward to your coming back soon.”
“Dr. Elaine, you have been amazing to the parents who came to have you provide screenings and assessments for children on the spectrum who have not been served. You gave the parents so much assistance and ideas that they can use immediately. Thank you for traveling across the miles to share your expertise. Looking forward to your coming back soon.”
“Dr. Elaine, you have been amazing to the parents who came to have you provide screenings and assessments for children on the spectrum who have not been served. You gave the parents so much assistance and ideas that they can use immediately. Thank you for traveling across the miles to share your expertise. Looking forward to your coming back soon.”
“Dr. Elaine, you have been amazing to the parents who came to have you provide screenings and assessments for children on the spectrum who have not been served. You gave the parents so much assistance and ideas that they can use immediately. Thank you for traveling across the miles to share your expertise. Looking forward to your coming back soon.”