speech & language therapy

Coaching for parents and grandparents of children with or without special needs

Waiting on the birth of your child, is a blessed time and can also be a time of unknowing and the unexpected. For many parents finding out that your child will be born with a condition that can alter his or her life, and your own may take its toll on relationships. Having your child born and then discovering the difficulties that he or she may have bonding, or self-regulating, or learning, or fitting in, can cause its toll on you and your family.

Grandchildren complete life’s circle of life. So why is it then, becoming a grandparent may not always feel like a completed circle, but a split one? If you are feeling like you are walking on egg shells, and sense turmoil in your life, when this is the time to enjoy your life and grand parenting the most, Dr. Elaine, grandparent of two, is committed to assisting you in finding the peace and bliss of grand parenting, and not just for the sake of the grandkids, but also for the sake of your grandkids’ parents and yourself!

If you are a parent or a grandparent with questions of your own, questions that are making your life uncomfortable, and you would like to find a way to balance your life and find solutions. Dr. Elaine has been called a “miracle worker” by people around the world. Let her be yours.

Dr. Schneider, with over thirty years of experience working with parents and grandparents, offers nurturing support, a great ability to listen with compassion, and suggestions for solutions to find peace, harmony in your life. She can move you from feeling trapped to feeling more directed and free; from feeling hurt to feeling strong; from feeling fearful to feeling fearless.

Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider offers:

  • Face to face individual and family coaching in Southern California
  • Coaching worldwide with Skype
  • A free fifteen minute Skype Consultation is available.